A 12 week live virtual course for cultivating consistency and embodied manifestation using the proven Power Affirmation Process!

I'm Betsy and I am Honored to Guide You Home to Yourself.

It has been my great joy to hold a sacred space for my clients to discover their unique gifts, develop a healthy relationship with themselves and RISE out of limiting beliefs so they can attract all they desire and more!

Scroll down to learn more about who I am and the community of inspired people who have experienced this process of transformation!

In this Virtual Experience. . . 
1 Live Call a Week
Embodiment practices
Sacred Rituals
Guided Meditations
Journaling exercises
Monthly presenters
Q & A
Weekly Affirmations

Highly calibrated audio affirmations sent out weekly to listen to daily for amplifying positive affirmations

Supportive Community
Private Whatsapp group for members
Communuty FB group 
FB group for GRADS/Members
Access to inspiring and educational videos on mindset, embodiment, self care, meditation and more sent out each week. 
Personal Support
1:1 Coaching call with Betsy is available to explore even deeper levels of transformation

Content Library
Gain access to thousands of hours of uplifting music, playlists, podcasts and more to fuel your inspiration
Consistency is key when it comes to making healthy shifts. On these calls we get to stay accountable to our practices, learn, ask questions and connect, LIVE!
Much more than learning how to implement affirmations into life, but a multidimensional experience of creating a healthy relationship with Self.
Content Library
Highly calibrated music, curated playlists, uplifting and motivational videos and beautiful imagery sent out weekly
Connected Community
 Staying connected with others who share a common value of personal growth, self reflection and empowerment is absolutely contagious!
Private Coaching Sessions
Group work is the core of our time, yet individual support helps catalyze further growth along the journey.
Live Weekly Video Calls
Having a weekly "anchor" helps us each stay committed to the process of growth, while getting to connect deeply with each other.
Awareness is the Key to Freedom
If we don't know what the limiting beliefs we hold are,
then how can we evolve and bring in the upgraded life we want?

Discover what is ready to be upgraded within, so your outer world can shift.

We Create New Habits
We set ourselves up for success by using a proven system to cultivate healthy habits which will support longevity, consistency and empowerment.
We Explore Beliefs
We all have belief systems about ourselves and about the world around us.  When we get curious about our beliefs, we are empowered to make choices for our thoughts.
We Clarify Limiting Beliefs
Nagging thoughts, unconscious negative affirmations, doubt and worry all stem from outdated beliefs systems which can create a ripple of challenges in life.  We get to access these beliefs from a 
We Cultivate Gratitude
Love is in the threads that connect us and the details that keep us inspired.  Receive inspiration throughout.
We Activate Affirmations
Group work is the core of our time, yet individual support helps catalyze further growth along the journey.
We Integrate Tools
Having a weekly "anchor" helps us each stay committed to the process of growth and consistency of practices.
Praise From Graduates

These ladies have a lot to say about how this Virtual Group enhanced their lives!

"This course has helped me see my value and self-worth.  Being in a group of women helped me feel less alone in my struggles and in the process."   ~Abby V.  
"The Power Affirmation Virtual Group was a nourishing place that held me and gave me strength to believe in myself, which allowed me to heal and grow!"  ~Lisa W.
"I joined this course at a time in my life I was facing deep loss and pain.  To be met with such love and support inside of the course journey was deeply nourishing." ~ Jennifer 
"This course helped me to make time for myself in such a supportive learning way. I would never have taken this time for “me” unless I hadn’t signed up for this powerful course!" ~Marhnelle 
Gathering with our “Power Affirmation” group every week allowed me to call upon my inner resources of strength, determination and resilience and cultivate the positive outlook I needed in order to conquer the obstacles in front of me. "    ~Laura D.
"The Power Affirmation Group helped me learn how to shift my thoughts and focus on gratitude. I was able to rediscover the "magic of life" ~ Ximena
Check out this short testimonial video

“Affirmations are our mental vitamins, providing the supplementary positive thoughts we need to balance the barrage of negative events and thoughts we experience daily.”  
~Tia Walker
Change is Good

Feeling stuck in clutter of the mind?
Overwhelmed by life's inevitable challenges?
Disconnected from a self care practice?
The inner critic is the primary voice?
The same thought loop is on repeat and you want to change it?
Ready to uplevel your self care, mindset, embodiment and spiritual practices?

I’m so grateful that I found this affirmation course! It’s been amazing on so many levels - from my own personal transformation to having a circle I can return to weekly during these crazy times. I can’t express my gratitude for your guidance and tools, and for the amazing women in the group!!!
~Beacon N.

Respond to Life with authentic hopefulness
Live in alignment to your core values
Watch manifestations occur
Live with clear boundaries
Speak with confidence and awareness
Gain greater self awareness so you can live with Self Mastery and Embodied Positive Affirmations

A portion of the proceeds of The Power Affirmation Journal and Virtual Course  gives back to Eden Reforestation Projects planting trees and providing jobs. in 5 countries world.  So literally, when you tend to your own inner landscape of thoughts, you are tending to the health and vitality of our planet!

We Rise

A Toolbox of videos to set you up well for transformation.

Discover the keys to activating your Power Affirmation Journal.

Get set up for success
Understand How to Efficiently Use Affirmations.

Get in touch with the current belief systems and clarify what is ready for an upgrade.

Guidance into creating healthy habits that support your affirmations to stick.

BONUS #1: Access to download audio affirmations to take with you on your adventures offline

BONUS #2: Live Q & A with Betsy

Integration Experience Online Course
 3 Months of Live Guided Support

Lifetime Access  to Recordings

Weekly Live calls for consistency, connection and breakthroughs.

Attend live virtual gatherings & learn LIVE with other inspired teachers and members.

Accountability to practices including self care, meditation, breath work, journaling, and much more to keep you vibing high

Be part of our private community, a members-only space where you can find encouragement, accountability, friendship and support.

Mobile app access, including offline viewing, easy listening to affirmations on-the-go, and downloads to take with you where ever you go!

Reveive a library of content shared each week to implement into your life to stay inspired.

Bonus #1: 3 One on One Call with Betsy to support your growth

 Bonus #2 : Lifetime access to the library of audio affirmations and the Power Affirmation Journaling course

Each module of this multi-part program offers
guidance into a proven system for effectively reprogramming limiting beliefs, stepping more fully into your power and creating life lasting benefits.

"When our behaviors match our intentions, our actions are equal to our thoughts, and our words and our deeds are aligned, there is an immense power behind any individual

Joe Dispenza | Author, Educator

If, for any reason, you don't like this amazing program, you can get a full refund anytime within 7 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with me or my support team and we'll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund.

The Time is Now

Waiting  for the "right" time may just keep you waiting forever.
As my wise mom says, "The road to some day leads to nowhere."
If we want things to change, it's up to each of us to take the steps towards making a better world and it starts within.

Curiosity's ~ FAQ's

Q : How long are the live calls and when are they?
A : There are two options of calls each week for 1 hour each but we may occasionally be on for a little longer if needed

Q : What if i have to miss a live call?
A : Not to worry, all the calls are recorded for members only and replays provided.

Q : Do I need to have a Power Affirmation Journal to take this course?
A : It is ideal to have a hard copy of the Power Affirmation Journal, but you may also use your own blank journal if you prefer.

Q : What if I don't like being on camera or sharing in a group?
A : These calls are set up to be a safe environment to feel comfortable for being seen and sharing.  Thats where much of the growth comes from.  You are always encouraged to participate on the calls, but of occasionally you would prefer to stay off video, you are welcome to.

Q : Can I hop into the membership if I have not taken the course?
A : Taking the 12 module course is a prerequsite for the membership so you can best understand the process we go through together.

Q : If I am a graduate of a previous Power Affirmation Group, can I still participate?
A : Yes!  Graduates even have special perks.  Inquire if you are a grad!

Q : Can this substitute for my therapy?
A : Even though you may have just as much insight and breakthroughs in this group as you might in therapy, this is not substitute psychotherapy.  Please consult your physician if you have concerns or questions for the best route for your mental health.

Q : Can I do this group with my mom, daughter or friend?
A : Absolutely.  This group is for all age ranges from 16-100!  Many mother daughters have gone through it together and many friends have chosen to participate together.

Q: What if I have more questions I'd like to ask before committing to this?
A : Wonderful!  Please send any questions to Betsy@Finkelhoo.com and if needed we can schedule a call to address any inquiries. 

"It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to a belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen."   -Muhammad Ali

Remember. . . 

Listen to your body.
Listen to your heart.
Listen to your intuition.
If this is right for you, you'll know.
You have what it takes to takes steps in the direction of your greatest evolution.

2022 all rights reserved.
Questions? Email:Betsy@Finkelhoo.com
 | www.poweraffirmation.com
